Without this module all offer you add will be publicly available to all publishers to send traffic , and will be visible in the Offer listing page of Publisher Panel
if you want publishers to apply for the offers and you manually review their application and then approve/reject the request. it then you can activate this module.
When this feature is activated. you will see a new option in in the 'Offer Add/Edit' Interface called 'Offer Availability'
Offer Detail Interface
Navigation Menu -> Offers-> Open Any Offer Add/Edit Interface (Basic settings Tab)
URL link: your-network-panel-domain.com/panel/offer
Screenshot of New Option:
Available Options:
If you select the moderated option then publisher will have to apply for that offer . which will create a ticket .you can approve or deny the application through the ticket itself.
You can check all the Offer Approval Request in the 'Affiliate Tickets' page:
Navigation Menu -> Affiliate Tickets
URL link: your-network-panel-domain.com/panel/tickets
Screenshot of Tickets Page:
Also , a new page 'Offer Approvals' will be added where you can check all offer Approval request. and you may added new rules in this page:
Navigation Menu -> Offers -> Offer Approvals
URL link: your-network-panel-domain.com/panel/offer_approvals
Screenshot of Offer Approvals Page: