Ad System Settings Are the most important settings which should modify as per your requirement
Depending on what Modules who have activated or deactivated the options you will get on this page will be different so in case you cant find any option that you see in this tutorial in your system then that's probably because you have not activated that module.
Please visit the 'Ad System Settings" through Navigation Menu -> Settings -> Ad System Setting
1) PostBack Authorization Password

This is a security password for your all postbacks that your advertiser send to you. Any postback that don't have this password will be discarded by our system. You should put a hard Password here. Please note that you should not change this password after you have already started receiving the conversions otherwise you will have to update all your advertiser postbacks as well.
2) Network's Currency

As the name suggest this option will decide what will be the payment currency of your network. You must change this settings after you have started receiving conversions
3) Network's Timezone

This settings is used for displaying all the reports in your own timezone. (THIS MODULE IS CURRENTLY OFFLINE AS WE ARE DOING SOME MAJOR UPGRAGE ON THIS)
4) Network's Base Country

Currently this option will just permanently change the country flag on the top right of the panel to the selected country. also if any translations are available in the selected country then it will show up as well.
5) Default Conversion Action

This Option will only appear if you have activate this module 'Change Default Conversion Status' .
By default, when the advertiser send you any postback ,our system will mark its as 'converted' or in other words the conversion is marked as ' approved' or 'success' ,and the publisher is credited .However if you want to change this default behavior and mark all conversions as 'pending' then you may use this feature.
This feature is used by Ad network who only runs CPS/CPO offers (shopify like offers) where the conversion status should be pending until the purchased product has been shipped to the buyer and the sale is confirmed.
Read More about : Module – Change Default Conversion Status
6) Customize Paytype (offer Pricing Model)

Please note that this option will only be displayed if you have activated the module 'PayType System' .
By default all Offer pricing Models are displayed in your network . They are : CPA, CPI, CPL, CPE, CPO, Revshare, Ecommerce. If you want to display only some selected Offer Pricing Model then you may choose the list from this option.
If you wish to add any other Pricing Model which is not already in the list then please open a support ticket.
7) Global Fallback Affiliate ID
Please note that this option will only be displayed if you have activated the module ' Global Fallback Affiliate ' .
To avoid wastage of traffic , any traffic from the Invalid/Banned Affiliate will get redirected to this Affiliate's Account. Make sure this publisher have all offers preapproved (Use Offer Approval Page to create a rule)
8) Default Fallback OfferID
Please note that this option will only be displayed if you have activated the module ' Ad System - Global Fallback Offer ' .
Any Invalid or paused offer traffic will get redirected here, Make sure this offer is don't have any Targeting requirement. Smartlink is recommended
Also If Target Locking is Active and the traffic donot satisfy the offer targeting criteria then the traffic will get redirected to this offer.