Step 1 : First of all you need to Add the Advertiser Account if not already done. Read 'Adding Advertiser' For More Details
Step 2 : Second, Add an Offer for this Advertiser if not already done. Read 'Adding New Offer' For More Details
Step 3 : Now, you have to Generate an Affiliate Tracking Link by Choosing the offer ID and The Affiliate ID in the below DropDown Fields.
Step 4 : Now you have to visit the Affiliate Tracking Link by clicking the Button Below (IMPORTANT) to generate a click for advertiser , But Before you visit the Tracking Please make sure the below Points :
- If the offer is moderated then Make sure that the Publisher have access to the offer .
PRO TIP - You can create a test publisher account and allow all offers to this publisher. - If the Offer have specific Geo, Device, Platform requirements then please make sure that Target Lock this Publisher is 'INACTIVE' so that you get redirected to advertiser offer properly.
PRO TIP - You can create a test publisher account and deactivate all Target Locking for this publisher.
If you are able to reach Advertiser Offer link on visiting the above tracking link then everything is good and you should proceed to the next Step.
Step 5 : Now as you have sent the click to advertiser, Lets Get the Details of that Click from our Database. So we can ask the Advertiser to send us a Postback for this particular Click. Click the below button after 10 seconds. If click details cant be retrieved even after 4-5 Trials then something is wrong with the tracking link setup, in which case you should try to check the 'Click Logs' page where you can see all the details of all clicks.
Step 6 : Please ask the advertiser to send Conversion Pixel for the ClickID retrieved from the above step. When the Advertiser Have sent you the Conversion postback please click the below button to check if we received it properly or not. If the Conversion details cant be retrieved even after 4-5 Trials then something is wrong with the Advertiser Postback link setup, in which case you should try to check the 'Incoming PostBack Logs' page where you can see all the details of any Incoming Postbacks from all Advertisers
To be Modified later...