This Module Allow you to lock traffic with offer's Platform (Windows, Android, IOS, Java etc.) requirements. In other words you can make sure that any traffic that do not satisfy the offer's Platform Targeting requirement will be blocked or be redirected to another offer(depends on your settings)
When you activate this module. A new option will appear at 4 Pages, as follows:
1) Ad System Settings page
Navigation Menu -> Settings-> Ad System Settings
URL link:
Screenshot of New Option:
2) Advertiser Details Interface
Navigation Menu -> Users-> Advertiser-> Open any Advertiser Details Interface
URL link:
Screenshot of New Option:
3)Offer Detail Interface
Navigation Menu -> Offers-> Open Any Offer Add/Edit Interface (Advanced settings Tab)
URL link:
Screenshot of New Option:
4) Publisher/Affiliate Details Interface
Navigation Menu -> Users-> Publishers-> Open any Publisher Details Interface
URL link:
Screenshot of New Option:
This settings works at four levels -
1) Network Setting Level (Ad System Settings page)
2) Advertiser Level (Advertiser Details Interface)
3) Offer Level (Offer Detail Interface)
4) Publisher Level (Publisher/Affiliate Details Interface)
Each level overrides the previous level. in the below order
Network Level < Advertiser Level < Offer Level <Publisher Level
Please note that Platform Targeting means choosing if the offer is allowed for Windows, Android, IOS, Java etc.
Available Options :
1) Default (use the previous level Setting)
2) InActive (Disabled)
3)Active (Enabled)
Example Scenario 1 :
Lets say by default you want all traffic to be redirected to reach their Advertiser's Landing page but for a few advertiser's offers (or offers or publishers) you need to Block it and make sure that only the traffic that satisfy the offer's Platform targeting should get redirected and all other non targeted Platform traffic should be blocked.
to achieve this :
at the network level (Ad System Settings page) keep this to ‘Inactive’
then go to each advertiser account details(offers or publisher) (for which you want to change the default behavior ) and change this setting to ‘active’
Example Scenario 2 :
Lets say by default you DONT want any traffic to reach their Advertiser's Landing page if the traffic do not satisfy the offer's Platform targeting . But for few advertiser's offer you want to let all traffic to reach their destination
to achieve this :
at the network level (Ad System Settings page) keep this to ‘Active’
then go to each advertiser account details (for which you want to change the default behavior ) and change this setting to ‘Inactive’
Also Please note that , If any traffic that doesn't match the Platform requirement of the offer, then the traffic will be blocked.
or if you are using the module 'Ad System - Global Fallback Offer ' with a valid setup then this traffic will redirected to the Global fallback Offer ID while preserving the Publisher ID .
Thanks. Please let us know if you have Doubt or difficulty in this module.