Offer status might have different meaning depending on how the offer was added in to the system.
- Manual Entry (offer was added manually by staff)
- Api Entry (offer was added through advertiser api automatically)
Case 1: manual entry
active Active and live for publishers to send traffic
paused paused offer. it will not be reactivated automatically unless you do it manually .
capped Temporarily paused as offer reached it cap. it will be reactivated automatically when cap period is reset . example- if cap period was daily it will reactivate automatically at the start of the next day.
NOTE reactivate will only work if the cap period , cap conversion amount and cap reset timezone were properly setup. otherwise it will never reset automatically
Any offer that is paused or disabled for 30 days , will be automatically deleted from the system .
Case 2: Api entry
active Active and live for publsihers to send traffic
paused Api offer get paused automatically if we cant find it in the advertiser api anymore. and it will get reactivated if its found active in advertiser api again. Even if you manually pause it, it will get reactivated again when its found again in the advertiser's api. if you wish to disable offer permanently then choose 'disable'
capped Temporarily paused as offer reached it cap. it will be reactivated automatically when cap period is reset . example - if cap period was daily it will reactivate automatically at the start of
the next day. NOTE reactivate will only work if the cap period , cap
conversion amount and cap reset timezone were properly setup. othweriwse it will never reset automatically)
disable Api offer will not get disabled automatically. if you manually disable any api offer then it will not be reactivated automatically even if the offer is active in advertiser's api unless you do it manually . )
review This means the offer is active in the advertiser's api but you have neither activated or disabled it.
Offer status might have different meaning depending on how the offer was added in to the system.
a)Manual Entry (offer was added manually by you )
b)Api Entry (offer was added through advertiser api automatically)
Case 1: manual entry
status :
active Active and live for publishers to send traffic
paused pause offer. it will not be reactivated automatically unless you do it manually . )
capped Temporarily paused as offer reached it cap. it will be reactivated automatically when cap period is reset . example
if cap period was daily it will reactivate automatically at the start of the next day. NOTE reactivate will only work if the cap period , cap conversion amount and cap reset timezone were properly setup. otherwise it will never reset automatically)
any offer that is paused or disabled for 30 days , will be automatically deleted from the system .
Case 2: Api entry
active Active and live for publsihers to send traffic
paused Api offer get paused automatically if we cant find it in the advertiser api anymore. and it will get reactivated if
its found active in advertise api again. Even if you manually pause it it will get reactivated again when its found again in the advertiser's api. if you wish to disable offer permanenly then choose 'disable' )
capped Temporarily paused as offer reached it cap. it will be reactivated automatically when cap period is reset . example
if cap period was daily it will reactivate automatically at the start of the next day. NOTE reactivate will only work if the cap period , cap conversion amount and cap reset timezone were properly setup. othweriwse it will never reset automatically)
disable Api offer will not get disabled automatically. if you manually disable any api offer then it will not be reactivated
automatically even if the offer is active in advertiser's api unless you do it manually . )
review This means the offer is active in the advertiser's api but you have neither activated or disabled it.